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Marketplace websites & startups

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Featured Domains

There are many ways to get the domain you want.

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Buy or Sell Social Accounts

Buy or Sell Youtube / Facebook / Instagram & lot more accounts securely

How much is your online business worth?

Seogant’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry's most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand.

Working Process

How it works


Create An Account

Post a website or a domain. We'll quickly match you with the right buyer.


Create a Listing

List a Domain Or a Website to Receive Best Offers & Bids instantly


Select the Buyer

Select the Best Offer or Winning Bid , Then Open a Contratct & Close the Deal.


Secure Trading

Trade with confidence on, where every transaction is safeguarded to ensure your peace of mind.


24/7 Support

Our dedicated team is here around the clock to help you with any questions or issues, ensuring a seamless experience.


High Profit

Maximize your earnings with, where profitable website deals are made every day.


Low Commisions

Enjoy more of your success with our competitively low commission rates, putting more money in your pocket.


Bidding System

Our dynamic bidding system makes buying and selling websites exciting, transparent, and fair for everyone involved.


High Visiblity

List your website on and gain exposure to a wide audience of eager buyers and sellers, enhancing your chances for a successful deal.

Ready to get started?

Now it’s even easier to buy and sell premium domains.